[Gllug] security swipe cards

Jim Bailey jim at freesolutions.net
Tue Oct 15 23:27:14 UTC 2002

On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 12:33:37PM +0100, George Saxby wrote:
> Hi,
>  I have been tasked with setting up a secure room / computer usage swipe card system & of course I would like it linux based. 
>  Anybody ever actually done this & care to make recommendations?
I have set these up a few times for various employers so here is my

I requested a linux based option but most Access Control Companies went

Most run on NT prolly 2000 and the security company will recomend it is
not part of your usual network though a *nix box acting as a firewall
should be ok.

Go the extra mile if you can for proximity cards either
active or passive.  Active are great news for rack monkeys and sys
admins carring kit in both hands.  I was also told by the security
companies that proximity cards are more secure but they may of simply
been saying that since they cost a little more.

Have a £15 admin charge for staff who lose their cards and make
it a disiplinary offence for not reporting a lost or stolen card asap.
It will fsck them off but it is necessary to keep the location secure.

Finally people will get slacker as time goes on so make sure that your
security seems almost excessive to begin with.

Hope this helps.

Peace Jim

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