[Gllug] ADVERT: Free Access to IBM Mainframe running Linux

Simon Stewart sms at lateral.net
Tue Oct 15 16:05:27 UTC 2002

On Tuesday, Oct 15, 2002, at 16:53 Europe/London, Daniel Andersson 

> have a look at the message source (whole message including headers 
> etc) on
> the email that Simon Stewart sent about 15 minutes ago
> www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1806.txt
> a way of formatting emails, apparently

Ahh... will have to read this before I reply in haste, next time.

> don't really see the need for it
> and since i read my mail in outlook (express), which can't display them
> correctly, it really annoys me
> (yes, flame me with all the sheit about outlook sucking and not 
> conforming
> to standards etc etc)

That would be harsh, especially given my current email environment. But 
perhaps the fault may lie with OE?

2.1  The Inline Disposition Type

    A bodypart should be marked `inline' if it is intended to be
    displayed automatically upon display of the message. Inline bodyparts
    should be presented in the order in which they occur, subject to the
    normal semantics of multipart messages.

Since the information in this email isn't particularly sensitive, and 
is going to stored in a publicly accessible format, I'll refrain from 
signing it. How's that as a compromise? :)



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