[Gllug] Reminder: Linux Volunteering Meeting this Thursday

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Thu Oct 10 09:02:29 UTC 2002

On Thu 10 Oct, Alex Gonzalez bloviated thus:

> As it's the first time I'll attend a Linux user group meeting, if you 
> see somebody with my face ( photo at link ) wandering lost around the 
> pub, please shout.

Generally pretty easy to find groups of Linux geeks.  Look for the
area of high concentration of chubby, pasty-faced males with glasses.

Note: This technique does NOT work at beer festivals which are
populated with beer nerds who, superficially, look very similar.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
Send email with subject "send key pub" for public key.

HTML's a cheap whore. Treating her with respect is possible,
and even preferable, because once upon a time she was a
beautiful and virginal format, but you shouldn't expect too
much of her at this point."

- Mark "Kamikaze" Hughes
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