[Gllug] slightly OT - linux consultancy enquiry

Walid Shaari walid at melinux.com
Thu Oct 24 20:52:05 UTC 2002

On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 20:27, Pavel Bradut Boghita wrote:

> In this context I mentioned that he could put the licence money to better use 
> by paying a consultant to set the things up for him, a file server, VPN 
> whatever they run at the moment.
> I couldn't really tell him how much this kind of consultancy would cost him, 
> so I am hoping that people on this list could give me an idea.

How about the time, and cost of training/maintenance, if the guy(s) are
not really interested in linux as a platform, may be its better for them
to stick with something they know. 


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