[Gllug] slightly OT - linux consultancy enquiry

Pavel Bradut Boghita bradut at freeuk.com
Thu Oct 24 21:11:27 UTC 2002

On Thursday 24 October 2002 10:01 pm, you wrote:
> >Message: 14
> >Subject: Re: [Gllug] slightly OT - linux consultancy enquiry
> From: Walid Shaari <walid at melinux.com>
> >To: gllug at linux.co.uk
> >Date: 24 Oct 2002 21:52:05 +0100
> >Reply-To: gllug at linux.co.uk
> >
> >On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 20:27, Pavel Bradut Boghita wrote:
> >> In this context I mentioned that he could put the licence money to
> >
> >better use
> >
> >> by paying a consultant to set the things up for him, a file server, VPN
> >> whatever they run at the moment.
> >>
> >> I couldn't really tell him how much this kind of consultancy would
> cost him,
> >> so I am hoping that people on this list could give me an idea.
> >
> >How about the time, and cost of training/maintenance, if the guy(s) are
> >not really interested in linux as a platform, may be its better for
> >them to stick with something they know.
> >
> >Walid
> I hear everywhere the claim that Linux is a cheap alternative to Windows
> but is it really, considering the consultancly fees? Can someone tell me
> how Linux works-out cheaper for a small business which is already using
> Windows (95/98/NT)? Apart from the stability factor, why would some
> small office with an NT4 server go to the trouble of replacing it with a
> Samba/Linux machine if it's going to cost £750/600 per day to set-up?

An M$Office 2000 licence costs about £220 per machine, take into account the 
fact that any other software that the company may be using, accounts 
software, graphics, etc... is (or at least should be) licenced. You may still 
need to hire a MCSE to do work for you and that it isn't exactly cheap 
All in all I think LInux can be a cheaper alternative and more secure, but 
that's only my possibly not sufficiently informed view

> I ask because I am training myself to offer such a service :-) but have
> nagging doubts that no-one will want to pay for it.
> Garry Heaton

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