[Gllug] Variable dial-up connection with Linux cmp XP

Garry Heaton garry at heaton6.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Oct 7 14:07:09 UTC 2002

I have a Mandrake 8.2 machine and an XP Pro machine connected to the
same phone socket and use Freeserve's Anytime dial-up "service". Using
Linux I experience frequent disconnections despite having Mozilla Mail
set to check mail at 8-min intervals to avoid timeouts. Connection speed
is noticably slower than on my XP machine and there is a consistent
delay in resolving web addresses.

Freeserve have had problems lately but often I find connecting on my XP
machine is relatively hassle-free so the Linux factor is playing a part.

My Mandrake machine connects via a Diamond Supra Express 56e Pro
external modem while the XP machine uses an internal Connexant modem.
The KPPP settings are pretty standard/default but here's some data which
may help:

Device: /dev/modem
Flow Control: CRTSCTS
Line Termination: CR
Connection speed: 115200
Use Lock File: yes
Modem Timeout: 60s

Modem Query:
ATI: 56000
ATI1: 036 249
ATI2: F03E
ATI4: Rev 2.000-01 (c) 1993-1998  SupraExpress 56e PRO
ATI6: 016 UK  010
ATI7: RCV56DPF-PLL L8571A Rev 33.00/33.00

It's possible that Freeserve's network is simply Linux-unfriendly. If
so, can anyone recommend a good Linux alternative? You can't even send
an e-mail to Freeserve these days as they now only accept online message
submission which usually produces a 403 error. Customer Services is a
joke so I'd have no problem changing ISP.

Garry Heaton

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