[Gllug] Confiuring Fetchmail with Demon

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Sun Oct 20 20:59:52 UTC 2002

On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 11:52, Chris Bell wrote:
>    The POP3 server frequently times out on individual POP3 requests from my
> old Acorn computer for just a few users, but I assume that I should be able
> to collect mail for all users without polling the server for each individual
> user, then sort the incoming mail into the various local mailboxes.
>    I have made several attempts at finding the correct commands from the
> selection list in the manual, but fetchmail refuses to start, and both
> fetchmail --verbose and --configdump report that no mailservers have been
> specified.
>    The local network is connected to the ADSL box via a Smoothwall box. I
> have a local DNS server, and can ping pop3.demon.co.uk from any computer on
> the network, including "postman" and the Acorn computer.

Try this:-

set daemon 300  # Poll at 5-minute intervals
set postmaster "postmaster"
set syslog
set bouncemail

poll pop3.demon.co.uk protocol POP3 aka mailstore nodns:
    localdomains mynode.demon.co.uk
    user mynode is * password secretpw fetchall

Replace "mynode" and "secretpw" as appropriate...


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