[Gllug] Does this list accept postings from non-subscribed addresses?

Mark Lowes hamster at korenwolf.net
Fri Oct 11 12:21:15 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 13:08, John Winters wrote:
> I've taken to sorting all my e-mail and sticking the spam in a folder of
> its own (instead of deleting it) in order to use it as input to
> bogofilter.  A couple of times I've found bogofilter has mis-identified
> good list postings as spam and on investigation I've found a number of
> crap messages which seem to have come through the list and thus into my
> spam folder.

All email for this list is pumped through SpamAssassin (actually it's
all linux.co.uk email).

> Does this list accept postings from non-subscribed addresses?  If so, is
> this a conscious decision or could it be changed?

Currently there is no limit on who can post, I'm happy to change it but
only if there is a concensus for it to be changed.

     (Haven't we done this discussion recently?)

The Flying Hamster <hamster at korenwolf.net>     
"Don't touch the trained monkey in the server room.  It just agitates
him and then the servers are down for days."

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