[Gllug] Whitelist-only spam filtering

Tom Gilbert tom at linuxbrit.co.uk
Fri Sep 13 09:35:05 UTC 2002

* David Damerell (damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk) wrote:
> Mark's stuff gets ***** SPAM ***** in the Subject.
> ... of course, Spam Assassin does make it awkward to mail around Spam
> Assassin filter files. There might be something to be said for a
> whitelist scheme to bypass all other filtering.

False positives suck :|

Interestingly enough though, the bayesian filter I'm currently using
gave that mail a spam probability of 0.0000  :)

   .^.    .-------------------------------------------------------.
   /V\    | Tom Gilbert, London, England | http://linuxbrit.co.uk |
 /(   )\  | Open Source/UNIX consultant  | tom at linuxbrit.co.uk    |
  ^^-^^   `-------------------------------------------------------'

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