[Gllug] VACANCY: Linux Technical Consultant / Architect requi red

John Hearns john.hearns at cern.ch
Fri Sep 27 10:14:27 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-09-27 at 11:58, Xander D Harkness wrote:
> Mark Lowes wrote:
> >On Fri, 2002-09-27 at 08:51, robin.c.smith at bt.com wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>>-----Original Message-----
> >>>From: Tethys [mailto:tet at accucard.com]
> >>>

> >>>      
> >>>
> >>To patch Debian for the latest security patches you just type:- apt-get
> >>dist-upgrade.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Assuming you have the right lines in sources.list ;)
> >
> >However with the likes of up2date this edge isn't that significant.
> >
> I would agree; I would however like to see Red Hat relese the server 
> side of this.  I know that they make money from RHN and every company I 
> install servers in I recommend that they subscribe.  $60 a year for 
> computer security is cheap to a company and it is an easier way to get 
> cash out of companies back into the pockets of the developers.  
Well, I don't agree.
This is a commercial product offered by Redhat. I think its perfectly

For information, if you have a big(ish) business Redhat offer Satellite
Server, which sounds very interesting.
You can have your own up2date server within the company - and aslo from
what I read trigger software updates.
I and our Linux Experts group are very interested in this
(we have a BIG user base), but sadly the cost for Satellite Server is
a drawback.

Also, for information, Ximian have a similar product, 

> I have tried recommending donations to the FSF, to gnome, Kernel hackers 
> or Samba and it never happens.  Get a RHN sub and it is at least some 
> form of revenue strem for Linux.
> Back to the release of the server side of RHN though:  I would like to 
> see it so that people like me or small organisations can set up our own 
> mirrors and add our own packages to they - very much like the Debian system.

I've done a lot of work on this topic recently.
The best solution I found, if you want a no-cost solution is Current

The current developers have commented that Redhat have been helpful to
them, IIRC.

We're developing software intallation/configuration management here as
part of the European Datagrid also, if anyone is interested.

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