[Gllug] linux calendar/schedule/todo list software?

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Tue Sep 3 15:33:55 UTC 2002

On Tue 03 Sep, Simon Stewart bloviated thus:

> I've got strange dreams of getting an email from a friend or
> colleague, with a date in it, so I hightlight the date, or even just
> right click on the email, and select "Add new calendar item..." from a
> context sensitive menu. This opens up a popup to let me add this one
> item to my calendar without opening the rest of the program.

Erm, isn't that vcal?  You could just bind whatever you've got
handling vcal attachments to a key in mutt to accept the invitation,

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
Send email with subject "send key pub" for public key.

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
- Timothy Leary
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