[Gllug] Networks

John Hearns john.hearns at cern.ch
Thu Sep 12 09:07:20 UTC 2002

On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 10:59, Peter Childs wrote:
> 	We are trying to replace an old Bull DPS6 (15 years is old in computer terms 
> is it not) With a linux based system using C++, Qt and postgres. The system 
> controls hire cars travelling round London. If you want more details I will 
> think about giving some. 
> 	We are planning to connect our computers together using a 100Mbits Lan and 
> switches around our offices in SE1. Maximum cable run is about 30 meters 
> which is well below the 100meter limit. However when we try to run data over 
> the links over 8 meters long we get no  data, we get a link (or at least the 
> switch says there is one but no data travels) All the cable works fine at 
> 10Mbits and the configuration seams to work on cables shorter than about 8 
> metres.
> 	The main problem we can see is that there might be problems with interference 
> on our runs from UPS, Power (Non UPS), CCTV, Serial Cables (for the bull), 
> phones (4 different types), etc. All the cable is in the same run under the 
> floor.

Me, I would get in a specialist firm to help.
And, hate to say it, maybe you should get costings from them to
replace the cabling.
A cabling firm will have test meters, and be able to give you printouts
of the performance of each outlet.

As you are in SE1 I remember dealing with a good firm, who
had offices in Weston Street. But damned if I can remember the name...

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