OT:authoritarian or libertarian was Re: [Gllug] Whitelist-only spam filtering

Sean Burlington sean at uncertainty.org.uk
Thu Sep 12 16:35:05 UTC 2002

David Damerell wrote:
> On Thursday, 12 Sep 2002, Sean Burlington wrote:
>>authoritarian or libertarian
> Please, 'liberal'. 'Libertarian' is used in the US to mean
> properatarian; the belief that the sole function of the state is to
> protect property rights, often including an extremely evil position on
> 'intellectual property'.

I've had this argument on gllug before

this time I have a big dictionary to hand

liberty: freedom from constraint, captivity, slavery or tyranny, freedom 
to do as one pleases.....

libertarian: a beliver in free will, a person who believes in the 
maximum amount of free thought, behavior etc

that is what I mean

some americans often use the term libertarian to mean something else - I 
think this is because they mean the freedom for corporations (which they 
confuse with people in a legal sense).

liberal is a term just as misused and isn't at all what I meant - it 
actually seems not to be a word that has any real meaning - (except in 
the context of 'a liberal measure of whisky')

besides which, I'm not an American

an interesting site on this topic is



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