[Gllug] New evolution

Thom May thom at positive-internet.com
Thu Sep 19 12:18:39 UTC 2002

* John Hearns (john.hearns at cern.ch) wrote :
> I have smeared myself in BBQ sauce this morning, and am fearlessly
> heading off to the circus right now.
> There is a new Evolution beta available, which I've just downloaded
> and am using now.
> First impressions look good - and I think it has some of the behaviour
> Mike wanted.
> I've already filed a bug though - it needs to find a library
> called 'soup', so I've had to add /opt/rcd/lib to my ld.so.conf
> rcd is the red carpet daemon, a new thing for software installs.
> Quite why evolution should depend on this I don't know.
Hrrm. Soup is a soap implementation. I guess that evo needs soap for some
parts of the news and webfeeds stuff?
(not an evo user, so just guessing)

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