[Gllug] British Postal Codes

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sat Aug 9 09:54:57 UTC 2003

On Fri, 08 Aug 2003, Tethys spake:
> Nope. Looks like a genuine question to me. However, I've noticed an
> increase in useless spam of late. No, I mean *really* useless. More
> so than normal spam. I've been getting some that just consist of
> a random bunch of words (in HTML, or course). It's like someone's
> written a program to pick random lines from /usr/share/dict/words,
> and stick them in an email to me.

Every one of these spams I've received also has an IMG link to a site
that contains the `content' of the spam as an image.

The random-words stuff is an attack on Bayesian analysis systems.
(SA 2.60 will not be affected, when it is released, as it won't add
`unreadable' --- e.g. black-on-a-black-background --- HTMLed words
to the Bayes DB.)

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