[Gllug] OT: PC X-Server

Tethys tet at accucard.com
Wed Feb 19 13:09:48 UTC 2003

Dan Kolb writes:

>Alternatively the Cygwin XFree86 port also works nicely. However, the whole X
>server is displayed as one Windows window, with the applications sitting in a
>Window Manager inside this window. Exceed, IIRC, gives each X application its
>own Windows window.

Actually, I far prefer running in a single window, because then I can
run my window manager of choice, rather than be lumbered with Windows'
inflexibility. In particular, my hotkeys for raising, lowering and
iconifying windows, and for starting up a new rxvt make me significantly
(i.e., probably 2 or 3 times) more productive. Plus I can't live without
focus follows mouse. Yes, you can tweak Windows to do that too, but it
still raises the window when it becomes active, which loses you most of
the gains you had.

Exceed is quite nice, if pricey (last time I looked). It does, however,
have some font issues. In the past, I've been happy with MI-X, which
used to be free, but these days costs $25 (although the expiry on the
trial version is easily thwarted).



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