[Gllug] [OTish] The greatest test ever

Pete Ryland pdr at pdr.cx
Tue Jan 7 03:22:10 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 00:29, David Damerell wrote:
> On Monday, 6 Jan 2003, Branden Faulls wrote:
> >Tet:
> [Caps Lock and Control]
> >>So I'm not the only one, then. I used to hate it even *before* I had
> >>to start remapping it to the control key...
> >Sorry, I have to ask, you have them swapped? Because one is worn out, 
> >ala' Stig, or for convenience sake?
> Swapped? Hardly, although swapped is better than in their original
> positions, because Ctrl is very commonly used. But I never use Caps
> Lock at all, so I just have them both Ctrl.
> I also, at work, have moved Esc to where it belongs - to the left of
> '1'.

BTW, the reason behind this seeming madness, Brendon, is not worn out
keyboards.  It's that a lot of people got used to Sun and some VT
keyboards (any others?) which had the control key where most PC
keyboards have the capslock.  Since Capslock is rarely used anyway (and
you can use "g~" in vim for caps), it is common for such people to just
remap it to another Ctrl.

Also, there was a "compose" key roughly I guess where the Windows key is
now, so some remap that too.

Actually, come to think of it, the C64 had it's ctrl key somewhere there
too, didn't it?

Pete Ryland

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