[Gllug] OT: Mac OS X
Simon A. Boggis
simon at dcs.qmul.ac.uk
Tue Jan 28 11:59:27 UTC 2003
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 10:39, BABA Yoshihiko wrote:
> Neil Fryer wrote:
> > Just a quick question, that I'm hoping that someone can answer. Does Mac OS
> > X come with the ports collection, as it is based on FreeBSD?
It is bsd based, not FreeBSD based, but that is just its heritage
(allegedly). You can't rely on very much being very similar to a bsd in
my experience, especially since they bought Next - for example, very
little in /etc gets used in the way you think because they currently
have a netinfo database for config. This is a true Work of Satan (tm)
IMHO. Apple actually quite annoy me, so I'll shut up now (:
> There is a project called Fink. It's rather apt than ports, but you can
> compile packages without worrying the dependencies.
> http://fink.sourceforge.net
It was exactly apt last time I used it (admittedly a couple of months
ago); you _can_ fetch and compile stuff somewhat a la FreeBSD ports, but
you don't have to - binary packages can be fetched, which is much more
sensible in most cases (unless you enjoy watching gcc churn for hour
after hour <:).
Dr Simon A. Boggis Systems Programmer
Department of Computer Science, Tel. 020 7882 7522
Queen Mary, University of London, London E1 4NS UK.
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