[Gllug] Guardian Online - hospital systems

John Southern john at sinoda.demon.co.uk
Fri Jan 10 16:19:08 UTC 2003

On Friday 10 Jan 2003 3:36 pm, Dylan wrote:
> I have a box with a 5-1/2" floppy drive in it, and a bunch of BBC floppies
> with Elite and (more importantly) saved games on them. At least, they were
> physically intact last time I checked, and they're kept in a 'safe' place.
> So, can the drive be coaxed into life under Linux? Can anyone reccomend a
> good BBC emulator?

XBeeb http://www.cloud9.co.uk/james/BBCMicro/Xbeeb/
BeebEm	http://members.aol.com/mikebuk/beebem/index.html
BBCmicro	http://www.qualsar.co.uk/bbcmicro/


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