[Gllug] Debian Task Installer v1.1.8 (woody)

Peter Ball CFL at marguet-ball.demon.co.uk
Tue Jul 1 14:41:43 UTC 2003


I'm just coming up to speed on linux and could do with some advice :-)

I'm only installing server stuff (i.e. no desktop stuff) the question is do I need 
to tick "C and C++" in the Development section in order to compile drivers 
etc or is that only needed if I'm actually writing in C myself ?

Peter Ball
Computers For Linguists
peter.ball at marguet-ball.net
Tel:    +44(0)20 7732 1741
Fax:    +44(0)20 7358 9214
Mobile: +44(0)77 1968 2913
45 Endwell Road, London, SE4 2PQ, United Kingdom

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