[Gllug] Problems reading Rev Rumble's posts

Adrian McMenamin Adrian.McMenamin at britainineurope.org.uk
Tue Jul 29 10:19:15 UTC 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rev Simon Rumble [mailto:simon at rumble.net]
> Sent: 29 July 2003 11:10
> To: Greater London Linux Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Gllug] Problems reading Rev Rumble's posts
> Sounds like Evolution has taken the Outlook Express approach to
> reading the standards and is just displaying the first plain text
> attachment rather than honouring the "Content-Disposition: inline"
> header.

Funnily enough, that one worked fine.

This is a full version of Outlook (not OE) - your message can be found once
I open enough attachments.

I hate outlook, but I haven't got any choice over the matter.
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