[Gllug] BBC looking for campaigners

John Hearns John.Hearns at micromuse.com
Mon Jul 28 13:49:52 UTC 2003

RE: [Gllug] BBC looking for campaignersto them about 'nix I was regarded as coming from the Planet Anorak.

But you do. Nanu, nanu.
  This was a primary school - so the savings would not have been big in any case. Secondary schools could be very different, but MS have a point when they talk about TOC in this environment - the teachers are trained to use Wintel, the parents use Wintel. It is very difficylt to break through in this environment. That is why the "revolution" will run from the server to the workplace to the home and not the other way round.

  Good point. The PC revolution started, IMHO, when departments could buy PCs from a disvision of IBM using their own small budgets.

  As we know, they weren't networked and were sold as personal productivity tools.

  Same for the Apple Mac - which was bought because it run Visicalc - a 'killer app' which business people wanted.

  I think we are waiting for a killer app for desktop Linux. If it does arise, then Linux desktops will sweep in.

  Remember, most people run PCs for the applications - eg. if you use Remedy (very common trouble ticketing system)

  you need Windows (or use VMWARE if you really can't do without your Linux machine).

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