[Gllug] OT Suing Micro Anvika

North London John northlondonjohn at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jul 14 18:06:22 UTC 2003

Get all the relevant documents together.
Write an account of who you spoke to today.
Take down all the URLs of similar complaints - print the pages out as 
Go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau (www.nacab.org.uk) and talk 
face-to-face with someone who deals with this sort of thing on a daily 
basis. They can help you draft an effective letter, with the added 
bonus that Micro Anvika will know you're not Joe Bloggs on his ownsome, 
but are freely borrowing from the CAB's arsenal.

Good luck,


On Monday, July 14, 2003, at 05:00 PM, Jim Bailey wrote:

> Hi,
> Just under a year ago I bought an iBook 2.2 from Micro Anvika which as
> failed to run for more than a couple or three months without 
> catastrophic
> hardware failure.  Each time it has been exactly the same problem fan
> goes into over drive and within moments my screen is unusable with 
> jagged
> horizontal lines and very rapidly it fails to boot entirely.
> I have sent it back to apple twice and each time they replaced the 
> logic
> board and each time it has been returned it has died in exactly the 
> same
> way.
> This time the third time I took it into Micro Anvika and demanded a
> refund or a replacement, that was 13 days ago.  I phoned them last week
> and they told me they were waiting for an answer from Apple today I 
> call
> them and they inform me that Apple are not going to replace the iBook 
> and
> that it is still sitting in their service centre off TCR.
> I have informed them verbally that I intend to take legal action and
> after being passed around various org finally got back to trading
> standards Lambeth who advised me I need to take Micro Anvika to the
> small claims court.  However if I fail I will be expected to pay Micro
> Anvika's costs as well, so I need to make sure I have a good case.
> The case I need to prove is that the iBook is unfit for purpose it was
> sold for.
> As far I can tell the following facts are in my favour.
> The iBook has failed a number of times with the same problem, which
> Apple have failed to resolve my reasonable satisfaction.
> Apple boast in their PR that they now have the power of UNIX, as a *nix
> admin, I believe I am right in expecting one of the powers of UNIX to 
> be
> its reliability, something sorely lacking in this case.
> I have googled and found on half a dozen bloggs and home pages, people
> having exactly the same problems with very similar iBook and receiving
> exactly the same response from Apple's tech support and customer 
> service
> that I am having.
> Against be I believe the following to be true.
> I have had the machine for nearly a year.
> I do get 2-3 months of trouble free use before it breaks.
> I realise that there are not many lawyers on this list but I am hoping
> that someone has been in a similar situation and can offer some advice
> as to my best course of action and possibly tips for a successful
> resolution.
> I understand that any legal advise should be taken with a pinch of salt
> from this list and will blame no one for giving me bum advice.
> Peace Jim
> -- 
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