[Gllug] Help with Red Hat 8.0 install on Win 98

itsbruce at uklinux.net itsbruce at uklinux.net
Mon Jul 14 16:50:50 UTC 2003

On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 05:34:04PM +0100, Ms. Lene Jensen wrote:
> > Assuming a default set-up, when your PC boots it's going to look first
> > for a floppy to boot from and then at the start of the first available
> > hard disk for boot code, which in your case is Drive C:.  If you want to
> > boot Linux on this computer then you need either to have the Linux boot
> > loader installed at the beginning of the first drive or to create a boot
> > floppy which you can put into the floppy drive when you want to boot to
> > Linux.  
> Excuse me, but this is not so. 

Well, excuse me, but I did point out an alternative set-up later on in
my e-mail.  However, given that he's already decided to have Windows
entirely on the first disk and Linux entirely on the second then he
*does* need either to install the boot loader to the boot sector of the
first drive or to create a boot disk.  If he doesn't do that then how do
you suggest he boots Linux when Windows is on the first hard drive and
Linux on the second.

> My home computer has Windows on the first 100GB of the disk and Linux on 
> the remaining 60GB.  I have no problems whatsoever booting into Linux 
> without any boot disk.

Congratulations, but you do seem to have had some trouble reading his
e-mail and mine.


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