Was Re: [Gllug] Problems reading Rev Rumble's posts

Simon A. Boggis simon at dcs.qmul.ac.uk
Thu Jul 31 05:13:01 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 22:52, Ian Norton wrote:
> Putty is my most used win32 program, its great, however at work the admins have
> little knowledge of such things as 'routing' and offer no default route.

I've seen some windows-only places do that sort of thing as a "security
measure" - no DNS, no default route, internet explorer talking to a
cache, outlook talking to local mail server. Don't quite see what
they're securing, given that two common vectors for getting hurt are:

  explorer vulnerability -> insert-evilness-here
  infected email -> outlook -> eat your address book and repeat

which still works just fine in such a setup (unless the virus writer 
tried to hand roll their own SMTP, in the second case).

Of course it does bugger employees doing many sorts peer-to-peer[*] etc,
which might be what they were really after achieving.

Ho hum.


[*] except those that can use a web proxy, or even tcp-over-SMTP as
transport (:

Dr Simon A. Boggis                                  Systems Programmer
Department of Computer Science,                     Tel. 020 7882 7522
Queen Mary, University of London, London E1 4NS UK. 
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