[Gllug] BBC looking for campaigners

Formi formi at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jul 28 12:45:50 UTC 2003

On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Richard Jones wrote:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3092607.stm
> Maybe we don't walk around with placards, but there are plenty of
> issues at hand - from copyrights and patents through to our government
> handing over large amounts of cash to a certain foreign convicted
> monopolist.
> Rich.

 Why don't they do something useful and start with a campaign to abolish
 the "TV License"?.

 I fail to see how such tax differs from the convicted monopolist's one.

 And don't tell me "BBC News" is great, mosts "news" are irrelevant and
 have more to do with "the novelty of them" that anything worth

 Formi                               its-formi.net at rc
 FreeBSD 5.1 ThinkPad 570            Study the past, if you would divine
 Linux Registered User #235743       the future.              Confucius.

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