role of UKUUG (was: [Gllug] EDUCASHUN NEWS)

Rev Simon Rumble simon at
Thu Jun 12 10:55:05 UTC 2003

On Thu 12 Jun, John Hearns bloviated thus:

> But I would raise the issue of an educational Linux distro again.
> We talked about the French  Debian-based distro last summer.

I would recommend going for the easy option: servers.  To end-users
they're transparent and the only thing they notice is the lack of
problems.  There are some good SME distros that bundle all the useful
tools for a low-end server into a nice user interface.  I highly rate

> How about an educational-biased Knoppix?
> We hand this out at shows, or pass on to teachers (and pupils!).

Would be good for promoting the idea, at least.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at>
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 "As long as I am mayor of this city [Jersey City, New Jersey]
  the great industries are secure. We hear about constitutional
  rights, free speech and the free press. Every time I hear
  these words I say to myself, That man is a Red, that man is
  a Communist. You never hear a real American talk like that."
- Frank "I am the law" Hague (1896-1956)

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