[Gllug] OT: step down transformers 230->110?

Andy Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Mon Jun 9 00:24:02 UTC 2003

  If the equipment you are talking about is computer equipment it probably
has either an autoswitching power supply or a manually switched power
supply.  This means that they would only need to have a power plug adapter,
not a voltage transformer or they could buy a new power cord.  Almost all
laptops have universal (autoswitching) power supplies.
  If you still need to transform the power, I found this site on Google:
http://www.220appliances.com/ but be sure to buy a good one because if it
introduces power problems into the line it could damage your equipment.

Andy Farnsworth

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gllug-admin at linux.co.uk [mailto:gllug-admin at linux.co.uk]On Behalf
> Of Steve Nicholson
> Sent: June 09 2003 00:44
> To: Gllug
> Subject: [Gllug] OT: step down transformers 230->110?
> I have guys bring some equipment over from Canada to install here. They
> have realised some of it wont run on 230VAC and haven't been able to
> locate step down transformers in Vancouver to bring with them.  Would
> anyone know where I can get that sort of thing here.  Maplins do them
> but only up to 300VA.
> Would like 240 in couple 15 amp 110/120 out - 4 out would even be
> better; in a rack mount if possible.
> I'm assume frequency difference won't be a problem.
> Thanks
> Steve.
> --
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