[Gllug] xsession errors?

Xander Harkness xander at harkness.co.uk
Tue Jun 24 09:57:39 UTC 2003

Has anyone ever seen this?

-rw-------    1 xander   xander        126 Jun 24 10:48 .Xauthority
drwxr-xr-x    4 xander   xander       4.0K Jun 13 13:26 .xmms
-rw-------    1 xander   xander       329G Jun 24 10:49 .xsession-errors
-rw-rw-r--    1 xander   xander       561K Jun 13 16:42 xtest.ps

It took me a little while to see *WHO* was using all of the space on the

On a totally unrelated note (Totally off topic too)

I know that a lot of OSS people give up time and effort freely to help
other people (and themselves).

I went to see Eminem yesterday in Milton Keynes and he was annoyed while
reading his reviews.  Instead of reviewing the concert, his performance
or the music.  The reviewer was complaining about him spending half a
million pounds on a piece of jewelry.  Had it been a boat or a house, or
I guess something that the reviewer could relate to nothing would have
been said.  Anyway, Eminem said that they were wrong and it was in fact
only worth US$450,000.  He then bent down and gave it to a girl in the
audience, stating that the reviewers do not understand him and know

The recipient fainted and had to be held standing.

Lots of happy, good people out there :-)

Fabulous concert, including the bottle fight :-)

Have a super week.

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