[Gllug] How can I make sure my email is not treated as spam?

Doug Winter doug at pigeonhold.com
Sat Mar 1 17:19:34 UTC 2003

On Sat 01 Mar Adrian McMenamin wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 14:37, Doug Winter wrote:
> > The other option is to use your ISPs outgoing mailserver as a
> > smarthost.  Obviously it's better to avoid depending on it if you
> > can, but this is a straightforward solution.
> How do I do that?

First, find out what it is.  Your ISP should have told you, and it
should be on their website somewhere.

Configuring your mailserver will depend on what it is (which you haven't
said).  The "smarthost" configuration is a very common one, and
hopefully should be trivially supported by your distro - Debian comes
with this as an option out of the box, dunno about RH.



http://www.britishsteal.com                             doug at pigeonhold.com
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