[Gllug] Regarding priracy (sic)

Jonathan Harker jon at jonathanharker.co.uk
Wed Mar 12 09:07:46 UTC 2003

On Friday March 7 2003 06:57, David Damerell wrote:
> On Thursday, 6 Mar 2003, Dean Wilson wrote:
> >David Damerell wrote:
> >>It's reasonable to ask other people to stop producing opinions on this
> >>subject if you don't produce your own.
> >
> >Now that we have reached the level of personal attacks
> I wonder why you are saying this in a reply to me - thus far, I've
> been the recipient of a personal attack from Mr. Harker, not the
> instigator of them.

Well if you weren't such a dropkick, and didn't post such antagonistic and 
poisonous vitriol to this list, I wouldn't have risen to the bait. I've 
taught 13 year-olds in the "we've given up on these little sods" class better 
behaved than you.

Did you know you are personally and singularly responsible for at least three 
people I know dropping off the gllug list? Is that proof enough? Just in case 
it isn't:

P U L L   Y O U R   H E A D   I N

Luv Jon

Jonathan Harker

All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors.

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