[Gllug] [OT] Hardware

Liam Delahunty ldelahunty at britstream.com
Mon Mar 17 22:37:41 UTC 2003

A pal of mine is moving over to England from the US. He is a web designer
(designer rather than programmer) and has a pretty high end machine.

I thought it'd might be more cost effective for him to buy a new (to him)
monitor from an auction, but still to bring over his "brain".

I know it used to be said that USD = UKP in hardware costs. Is that still
generally true? I so rarely buy h/w that I haven't a clue on current trends
or prices. Also, does anyone here have any experience on shipping hardware
across from overseas and/or recommendations on auctions or similar for
picking up good stuff dirt cheap.

Many thanks for you time/patience/replies in advance.

BTW, downloaded knoppix today but haven't played yet... I've a basic plan to
turn this crappy windows laptop into a nice little red-hat box and thought
I'd try knoppix on it first.

Kind regards, Liam Delahunty, Mega Products Limited
http://www.megaproducts.co.uk/ web design, programming, e-commerce.
http://www.onlinesales.co.uk/ Open Source PHP/MySQL E-commerce App.
http://www.britstream.com/ Hosting/ Domain Names From UKP 7.50 p.a.

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