[Gllug] Piracy.

Pankaj Mathur pmathur at softhome.net
Tue Mar 4 13:32:12 UTC 2003

*************************original message****************
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 11:38:24 +0000
Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net> wrote:

>Now suppose I have a magic Coke copying machine.  I ask you if I can
>borrow your can of Coke for a minute, copy the Coke and give you the
>can back.  Now we both have Coke.  How is this stealing?

Well it is not exactly stealing as you've amply proved with your example but it
is still unethical behaviour. Demonstrating mere misfit with definition of
"stealing" does not really justify such actions which can hurt OSS developers as
well. MS lacks merits on grounds other than mere proprietary/license issues
namely gaining unfair advantage over rivals and using desktop OS domination to
propogate other MS products thus depriving customers of choice.


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