[Gllug] UML root filesystems for Red Hat 7.x / 8.0

Daniel P. Berrange dan at berrange.com
Tue Nov 25 12:23:22 UTC 2003

Does anyone know of a reliable and uptodate source of root file systems
for user mode linux based on Red Hat 7.x / 8.0 ?

So far I've found


The most recent these have is RH 7.2, but in this the 'rpm' command
is fubar:

bash-2.05# rpm -qa | grep rpm
bash-2.05# rpm -qi rpm
error: cannot open Name index using db1 - Invalid argument (22)
package rpm is not installed
bash-2.05# ls /var/lib/rpm/
conflictsindex.rpm  fileindex.rpm  groupindex.rpm  nameindex.rpm
packages.rpm  providesindex.rpm  requiredby.rpm  triggerindex.rpm

The contents of /var/lib/rpm/ seems completely different to those
on my real 7.2 machine:

dan at ealing$ ls /var/lib/rpm/
alternatives  Conflictname  Filemd5s  Installtid  Packages
Provideversion  Requireversion  Sigmd5
Basenames     Dirnames      Group     Name        Providename
RequirenameSha1header      Triggername
dan at ealing$ 

Before anyone suggests it, no I can't simply use a Debian rootfs ;-) I'm
trying to setup a bunch of automated testing environments based around
several different distributions, so I need to have a Red Hat based one 
working. In fact I ultimately need to have Debian, Red Hat & SuSE all

|=-               http://www.berrange.com/~dan/gpgkey.txt             -=|
|=-   berrange at redhat.com  -  Daniel Berrange  -  dan at berrange.com    -=|
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