[Gllug] Voluntary work

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Fri Nov 14 09:45:14 UTC 2003

On Thu 13 Nov, Christopher Hunter bloviated thus:

> Open Office is starting to be seen as a replacement for MS Office, 
> particularly where the prospective users are cost-conscious.  However, Word 
> and Excel still have the edge - though OOo sems to be catching up rapidly.

I have to STRONGLY disagree.  OOo has far fewer bugs.  Simple things
like numbering actually work!  You can use Master Documents and not
expect your document to get irretrievably corrupted.

(Here's one for you to try in Word.  Been there since Word 6, still
there in Word XP.  Create a document with a margin that is further in
than the default margin.  Start a numbered list and have a few
numbered items.  Add a normal paragraph, then start another numbered
list.  Select the first item in the second list, go to "Bullets and
Numbering" and select "Restart numbering".  You lose the indent.
Tough.  Too bad.  You can have the default margins OR numbering that
(kind of--there are other bugs) works.)

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

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