[Gllug] [OT] Largest mailbox EVER!

Tethys tet at createservices.com
Tue Nov 18 08:36:57 UTC 2003

Nix writes:

>You do the maths: each page was about 585Mb. Each mail was a little over

Been there, done that, although not quite to the same extremes. Ours was a
95MB excel file (only about 2 pages worth, mind you -- it seems to have hit
one of the pathalogical cases in the MS file save algorithm), and was sent
to around 30 users. Being only a small company at the time, that was enough
to max out our mail server storage.

Of course, the annoying thing was that the information content was minimal,
probably around 500 bytes at most, and would have been far better served by
a few lines of plain text email. Needless to say, my attempts at education
fell mostly upon deaf ears...


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