[Gllug] Sony DDS-40 Tape Drive

John Edwards John.Edwards at cornerstonelinux.co.uk
Thu Nov 6 19:45:10 UTC 2003

On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 06:34:33PM -0000, Peter Ball wrote:
> Hi
> Does anyone know if a Sony DDS-4 Tape Drive is supported 

If it's SCSI it should be supported. The device name will "/dev/st0".

> and what 
> software would people recommend for a smallish SAMBA server :-)

First program to try is usually tar, with something like:
	tar -vcW -C / -f /dev/st0 /home >& backup.log

You can have a look at large backup programs such as amanda if you 
thing you need to extra features or want to backup other machines.

|       John Edwards    Email: John.Edwards at uk.com        |
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