[Gllug] Fighting Verisign greed

Ian Northeast ian at house-from-hell.demon.co.uk
Fri Sep 19 01:58:19 UTC 2003

David Damerell wrote:
> On Thursday, 18 Sep 2003, Ian Northeast wrote:
> >The aspect of this which worries me most is that when my users misspell
> >email addresses, which they naturally do a lot, Verisign get hold of
> >their valid email address,
> ... and we trust _them_ not to be spammers, don't we? :-)

QED as we used to say.

There's not a lot I can do about Verisign having *my* company email, as
I am the main DNS admin for a company using them as our primary
registrar. Not my choice I should point out. I have noticed the increase
in spam (it used to be zero on the work email) since we decided to sack
our ISP and do it ourselves and registered with them.

But I do want to protect my users! Lusers they may be, but they are
innocent lambs and they don't deserve to be spammed just because they
can't spell.

Regards, Ian

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