[Gllug] Mozilla fails on ASP sites

Tethys tet at isengard.accucard.com
Mon Sep 15 10:30:50 UTC 2003

Sean Burlington writes:

>But the easycar site works fine for me :)
>I've happliy booked flights from easyjet using mozilla

Just as an aside, the easy empire is actually quite splintered.
Thus easyjet is now a public company, while easycar is still 100%
controlled by Stelios. The two websites are run by different groups,
as is the easymoney.com site (which we run). So the fact that easyjet
may work for you has little bearing on whether easycar will be as

BTW, if you run into any accessibility problems with easymoney.com,
let me know. I'm constantly hassling our web designers to get it right.
They're not there yet, but it's a lot better than it was a couple of
years ago. Still, it does seem like an uphill struggle at times, with
the designers chomping at the bit to put in more and more Windows or IE
specific content, and a few of us trying to keep them under control,
and at least halfway standards compliant...


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