[Gllug] Keyboards

Ben Whyte ben at whyte-systems.co.uk
Fri Sep 5 08:37:57 UTC 2003

Peter Childs said:


> - High Use (one is going to be used 24x7x465 at between 4+ keystokes per
> minute all the time. and while it can be replaced we would like to avoid
> doing it too often.
> - Typest so it needs to feel good and be usable by a trained typest. (I
> don't think they like the soft keys you get on some keyboards.
> - Dirt. My keyboard is already covered in sweet and dirt so it
> must and least try to keep clean. (At least one will need to cope with
> hmm
> Oiley, Greesy, Wet hands)
> - Linux (why else am I asking here) so we don't need all the extra keys
> although I'm sure we can get them to do somthing!
> - Compatable we do have one or two older Din Type only computers and not
> all ps2 keyboards like the converters too much.
> 	We currently use special keyboards for Bull DPS6 terminals and
> these are mostly still going strong after 9 years but for 1 tenner
> I guess replacement should not be an issue.

http://www.keyboardco.com/ is a company that specalise in all things
keyboards including ones that can cope with dirt, dust etc.

Have a look and see what you think.


Ben Whyte

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