(OT) Re: SOLVED Re: [Gllug] OT: Windows XP refuses internet access

Ian Northeast ian at house-from-hell.demon.co.uk
Sat Sep 20 22:06:50 UTC 2003

Dylan wrote:
> <RANT option="lets just get it out of the way">
> Well, I ended up deleting the DUN (or should that be DUNG) settings, and
> re-configuring the network card! There seems to be no way to tell the damned
> beast that the NIC is the default connection. Well, what can I say!? "Typical
> Bill Gates botch job!" - so says my m8 who has come to laugh at me fightin
> this piece of crap. I ask you, two fscking days! Was that a pig overhead
> trailing a banner saying "User Friendly"?
> I suppose we'll be getting through the whole box of wine tonight waiting for
> this.... And I just knew I needed a fresh goat! Don't think my boyfriend
> would be too happy if I turned to his puppy (and anyway, goats are so much
> more effective.)
> </RANT>

This pretty much accords with my experience of WinXP. I don't run it of
course but my lodger does. He's not stupid and has a reasonable amount
of experience but he isn't what you'd call a network guru so I have to
help him out sometimes.

The peculiar errors and the hoops you have to jump through to get this
b****r networked are quite amazing. On one occasion we had it showing a
network card, claiming it was working, accepting configuration settings
and silently throwing them away. Because, it turned out, we had omitted
to load the latest version of the NIC driver. So why didn't it just
report the card as not working FFS?

And then there's the "Are you in an office or at home" question. It's
not easy to get to the "I'm on a s*****g network, I *know* how it's set
up, I want to configure this *manually*" bit.

I find it quite amazing that this stuff is supposed to be easily
configured by a normal user. Linux is much easier.

BTW Puppies will not do. Sacrificing puppies is really bad karma. It has
to be goats. Except, of course, in NetHack. Sacrificing your pet if
something else killed it is OK. And there are no goats. I'll have to
write to the maintainters about this come to think about it, there
should be. 

Regards, Ian

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