[Gllug] Useful Info

Richard Ibbotson richard at sheflug.co.uk
Tue Sep 9 11:47:26 UTC 2003


We tried to do this one before but got caught out by current affairs.
For those of you who don't watch TV it was called a war.

If any of you are interested there is some helpful info below..

     Info for the Linux in Space lecture.  Title of the lecture is ?A
     Life in Space?.  Looks at Prof Stakem's life's work and goes
     into his interest in GNU/Linux.   Some of Prof Stakem's work
     is in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C.   This
     was cancelled earlier this year due to the Iraqi war.

     Professor Patrick H. Stakem has extensive professional hands-on
experience in management and development of high technology projects.
He is a Senior Staff Engineer at QSS Group, supporting NASA's Goddard
Space Flight Center. He has implemented Beowulf computing clusters to
support computationally intensive data processing. He initiated and
lead the FlightLinux Project, a NASA-sponsored effort to apply the
gnu/Linux operating system to the embedded computers on spacecraft. He
has over 30 years experience with supporting spacecraft missions,
including Voyager, Apollo-Soyuz, SMM, IUE, Shuttle, Space Station
Freedom, Landsat, FUSE, MarSat, the Flight Telerobotic Servicer, and
others. He chaired the AIAA Committee on Standards for Automation and
Robotics for TransOrbital, Lunar and Mars Base.

Prof Stakem has also taught  for the Graduate school at Loyola College
since 1988. He teaches courses in Systems Integration, 80x86 and 680x0
assembly language, Computer Architecture and Design, Digital
Communications, and Networking. He developed and teaches course in
RISC Architecture, and wrote the class text, which is now in use
world-wide. He initiated, designed, and implemented a 64-node parallel
processor based on the Transputer. He oversees student independent
study, projects, and theses, and advises on key technology, and
testbeds selected hardware/software. He is involved in Strategic
planning for mainstreaming cutting edge technology into the

Prof Stakem is the author of 4 books, including "A Practitioner's
Guide to RISC Microprocessor Architecture,  NY:J. Wiley & Sons, ISBN
0-471-13018-4, 1996" and numerous technical papers.  Mr. Stakem has a
BSEE from Carnegie Mellon University, and Masters of  Science from
Johns Hopkins University in Applied Physics and Computer Science. He
began his computer career in 1966 with mainframes, and  worked on an
early node of the ARPAnet.

  18.30  for 19.00 on the 2nd of October 2003 at... room 6620  Adsetts
     Centre,  Sheffield Hallam University Central Campus.
     Tickets which are free are available from......

      Pat Brunskill,  Sheffield Hallam University,  Setpoint
      South Yorkshire,  Norfolk Building Floor 2,  City Campus ,
      Sheffield   S1 1WB.  Phone 0114 225 4888.  Fax:  0114 225 4872.
      e-mail: p.brunskill at shu.ac.uk.

      Anyone interested in going along will have to have a ticket.

       Sponsored by the Institution of Electrical Engineers and
       organised by Sheffield Linux User's Group.  Some info will
       be available at ..........



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