[Gllug] Market for low-cost Linux servers/networks?

Bernard Peek bap at shrdlu.com
Wed Sep 10 13:16:28 UTC 2003

In message <3F5E6F5D.4070506 at usableit.co.uk>, Garry Heaton 
<garry at usableit.co.uk> writes
>Is there a market for low-cost Linux servers running on old hardware? Whilst
>it's a great hobby I'd like to be able to earn a few bob for my labours,
>considering the amount of time I've put in learning how to configure and
>administer the standard set of Linux services.

I doubt that there's a significant commercial market.

Anyone can buy a cheap PC with built-in networking. If they want a 
server system then a Kobalt cube will do the job. You might be cheaper 
but the price differential will disappear after the first support call. 
What warranty are you going to offer on the hardware?

Bernard Peek
London, UK. DBA, Manager, Trainer & Author. Will work for money.

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