[Gllug] Setting up SW firewall (Was Sharing NTL broadband usingweedless router)

Benjamin Edwards bedwards at rnli.org.uk
Tue Apr 27 13:23:15 UTC 2004

My preference would of been IPCop but I dont want to have to use another
machene.  The room I am in is not that big and the noise will keep me
awake.  Eventualy I may get as Firmware firewall router but for the mean
time I will have to set the firewall up on the main debian box.

Ben Edwards - 2287

>>> ar at nooneishere.co.uk 04/27/04 01:36pm >>>
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 13:36:41 +0100, Benjamin Edwards  
<bedwards at rnli.org.uk> wrote:

> Therefore the NTL box is going to be initially connected straight to
> the Debian Box (I will authenticate using windowz).  What I want to
> is the easiest way of setting up a firewall no this box (preferably
> snort).  I think I can filter between eth0:0 and eth0:1 but am not
> sure how to set this up and what firewall (debian) package to use. 
> there one with sensible preset rules set up and a web (webmin)
> interface.

I would recommend using shorewall. It was easy to set up and appears
to be very well thought out. It also has a webmin module, although
personally i've never used it.
Andrew Roberts                              ASCII ribbon campaign /"\
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