[Gllug] Interesting article on the MS monopoly

NorthLondon John northlondonjohn at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 15 22:04:55 UTC 2004

> On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 06:32, Christopher Hunter wrote:
>> Yes.  That's certainly a good start, and makes later migration much 
>> easier -
>> it's an approach I've used.  However - I still find the objection 
>> "How can it
>> be any good if it's free?" sometimes difficult to overcome!

Tell them to cough up circa £100 for OS X Panther.


Solid BSD base, user friendly GUI, clustered by Virginia, lots of free 
software. And not free-as-in-beer, if that's their criteria.

Going off topic, I think that what Apple is doing is going to have 
major gains for us Gnu-dists. Not just the BSd base, the free developer 
tools, kHTML in Safari etc etc etc; the real killer - although it's not 
open source - is selling iLife for £39. Not much money for 5 top 
quality programs (although iTunes is free, iDVD can only be used on 
DVD-RW models, etc) - that actually devalues the stupid amounts charged 
for Office, Photoshop and all this so-called "professional" software.

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