[Gllug] On-call

Karen McAtamney karenmcatamney at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 29 23:37:17 UTC 2004

> > I am extremely concerned that I am on-call 24h, every day for the rest
> > my life and that I can never turn off my phone or go anywhere without my
> > laptop.
> > Where do I stand on this issue? Does anyone know what my rights are?

Being permanently on-call would be absolutely absurd.

> Rights might depend on what your contract says. Note also that there is
> working time directive from the EU that limits the number of hours that
> can work in a week -- without you agreeing to waive your rights (check
> you signed up to).

Your rights do depend upon an interaction between your employment contract
and legislation. The working time directive excludes most on-call time from
the weekly maximum of 48 weeks (unless you've opted out), however, there is
no way you can be expected to be permanently on call (well - unless you're
running a one person business or something, but that's not the case here).

Start to take detailed notes of all these conversations (in case you need
them later as evidence) and start to investigate the position further - the
Citizens' Advice Bureaux website will help, as will the DTI site. Beyond
that you might want to consult your TU rep and/or a Citizens' Advice Bureau.

God it's far too late to be doing employment law.


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