[Gllug] Locked in DVD!

Matthew King matthew.king at monnsta.net
Sun Aug 22 11:14:15 UTC 2004

Christopher Hunter wrote:
> On Sunday 22 Aug 2004 11:55 am, Chris Bell wrote:
>>On Sun 22 Aug, Matthew King wrote:
>>>A paperclip, about 2/3 inches long, poked into the little hole under the
>>>drawer. It may need a little, though not too much force.
>>   But not with power on, the problem is to remove the disc but not even
>>re-boot the computer.
> I think he was suggesting pushing the release button on the DVD drive, rather 
> than the "reset" button.  Both of the drives on the box in front of me now (a 
> Yamaha DVD drive and an HP CD-rewriter drive) have small holes just under the 
> drawer which, if prodded, open the drawer.  I have, on occasion, had to 
> resort to the release button when I've done something silly, and then 
> un-mounted the non-existant disk.  Perhaps not the ideal way to deal with the 
> problem, but effective!

This is exactly what I meant, and it's far more entertaining with the 
power on.


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