[Gllug] ``Confidential`` .sigs

Wiehe, Simon simon.wiehe at csfb.com
Mon Dec 6 08:08:02 UTC 2004

> For people who are vegetarians for medical reasons, on the other hand, I
> have no problems at all with vegetarian saussages & mince meat etc.

I eat vegetarian mince, not because I am vegetarian but because my weight loss
diet lets me eat as much of that disguised in a chilly or bolognaise sauce as
I want, whereas I would have to restrict the amount of minced beef I had. It
works for me :-)

As for veggie sausages and burgers, I eat them occasionally in the summer on
the barbie, unless we make our own burgers (which is very rare). As my
father-in-law used to be a butcher, there is no way any of my wife's family
would eat shop bought burgers or sausages.

As for a bacon sandwich, well I'd sacrifice the diet for that at the drop of a

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