[Gllug] Web Site Development

Peter Childs blue.dragon at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Dec 12 09:21:45 UTC 2004

    I would like to develop a web site. However I do not want to wire 
every page up in long hand html.
So I think I need some form of Wiki of which there are several hundred 
from what I can see. My main requirements are as follows ideas would be 

Easy of use most of the people with the content are not computer hacks 
and I know computers but my english is pritty terrible.

Secure not just anyone can edit or add to the web pages without the 
correct authority

Extenablity, easy to add new features E-Commerce is wanted eventually. 
(This is for a London Mini-Cab company)

Will work on most web servers, Our web hosting company is currently 
http://www.verio.co.uk/ This is only for historical reasons. So we have 
access to php, perl, etc (they are using BSD) This can be changed...

Any idea would be most helpful.

Peter Childs

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