Java [was: Re: OT: [Gllug] Debian or Slack]

Daniel P. Berrange dan at
Tue Feb 24 12:34:33 UTC 2004

On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 12:22:29PM +0000, Pete Ryland wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 10:29:44PM +0000, Tethys wrote:
> > 
> > for reasons best known to Sun, Java breaks the 1:1 mapping between source
> > and object files[1] that has existed since the dawn of time. Make relies
> > on this, and so while it's possible to shoehorn a java compile through
> > a makefile, it's not pleasant.
> > 
> > Tet
> > 
> > [1] I keep meaning to check the spec to see if this is defined behaviour
> >     or just a "feature" of Sun's (and others') implementation. I don't
> >     have the time or inclination to fix it even if it's not mandated by
> >     the spec, but I'd be interested to know...
> Java compiles each Class to a .class file.  The language allows more than
> one Class definition per source .java file.  Hence we end up with a one to
> many mapping of source to "object" files.  It got real messy, however, when
> they introduced inner (and anonymous) Classes which end up with weird .class
> file names based on the Class they sit within.
> Another thing that limits a Makefile's usefulness for Java is the difficulty
> of determining dependencies.

And also the fact that when you tell JavaC to compile '' it will
helpfully compile '' '' and anything else that
references... Grr.... I'm sure this all sounded very helpful when they
first wrote JavaC, (because it simple cases it removes the need to have
make), but with big project its a PITA.

|=-                  -=|
|=-   berrange at  -  Daniel Berrange  -  dan at    -=|
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